Helpless, Hopeless! Frustrated! Sad! Disappointed! Empty! Lost! Scared! Scattered! Depressed! Longing!
Do you feel like you are blindly going through life, like a ship without a rudder, no dreams, no pleasure, no light at the end of the tunnel. You may be stuck in your body and mind, overloaded by day to day drudgery and also dragging old baggage from the past with you.
Well it may be time to lighten your load by offloading some of your held emotions. What a relief this can be, you are not meant to suffer endlessly or become sick physically, mentally or emotionally.
Core Energetics body psychotherapy is a modality that specializes in this area and can bring great relief, the benefits are many. Better health, fulfilling relationships, and a wonderful sense of peace and clarity and above all a deep connection to self.
Your body is a vacuum cleaner and from time to time needs emptying of all the emotions you have swallowed, held, stored and hidden in your body, hoping they will go away – well they don’t just disappear of their own accord, help is needed to find release and discharge.
I am passionate about taking a journey with my clients as one of the most experienced Core Energetics practitioners in Australia, we may work together for a short time or for those who are wishing to work at a deeper level this may be for a longer time and you look at this as an evolutionary process and Emotional and Physical First Aid.
Why not dare to take the lid off your emotions, no matter what they are and find release, there is a deep sense of empowerment in this, taking responsibility for you LIFE! NO blame – NO shame – just transformation and honouring of your Life’s journey which for some is very challenging. As you find your truth, love emerges!